Prof. Rongjing Zhang
Author:芮莹  Release time:2020-05-29   Access times:393


Rongjing Zhang 


Room 321, Department of Physics,

University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, PR China





1992 - 1997 B.S., Tsinghua University

1997 - 2000 M.S., Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2000 - 2006 Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, USA

2007 - 2008 Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital

2008 - 2013 Postdoctoral Fellow, Rowland Institute at Harvard University, USA

2013 - 2014 Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

2014 - Professor, University of Science and Technology of China


Biological Physics; Biofilm; Bacterial motility and behavior; Multi scale experimental measurement and characterization; Molecular motor

REPRESENTATIVE PUBLICATIONS (*: corresponding authors)

  1. G. Liu, A. Tao, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2020) Robustness in an Ultrasensitive Motor.mBio 11:e03050-19.

  2. H. Shi, S. Ma, R. Zhang, J. Yuan* (2019) A hidden state in the turnover of a functioning membrane protein complex. Science Advances 5: eaau6885.

  3. C. Zhang, R. He, R. Zhang*, and J. Yuan* (2018) Motor adaptive remodeling speeds up bacterial chemotactic adaptation.Biophys. J. 114:1225-1231.

  4. F. Wang, H. Shi, R. He, R. Wang, R. Zhang*, J. Yuan* (2017) Nonequilibrium effect in the allosteric regulation of the bacterial flagellar switch. Nature Physics 13:710-714.

  5. B. Wang, R. Zhang, J. Yuan* (2017) Limiting speed of the rotary motor of Escherichia coli is independent of the number of torque-generating units.PNAS 114:12478-12482.

  6. R. He, R. Zhang*, and J. Yuan* (2016) Noise-induced increase of sensitivity in bacterial chemotaxis.Biophys. J. 111:430-437.

  7. L. Wilson* and R. Zhang (2012) 3D Localization of weak scatterers in digital holographic microscopy using Rayleigh-Sommerfeld back-propagation. Optical Express, 20, 16735-16744.

  8. R. Zhang, L. Turner and H.C. Berg* (2010) The upper surface of an Escherichia coli swarm is stationary.PNAS 107:288-290.